Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Clinical DecisIOn-Making
The aim of the 4-year RAIDIO project is to investigate processes of digitalization and the desired role for AI in image-based medicine. While the technical possibilities of digitalization and AI in medicine have been in the fore of academic debate, understanding and guidance for the responsible development and use of such technologies is urgently required. The project has two main aims:
to investigate the digital transition in image-based medicine;
to ethically evaluate the role of AI in clinical decision-making.
Detailed ethical analyses will be conducted to scrutinize and refine central concepts in AI-augmented medicine. Empirical qualitative approaches will identify factors that influence the digital transition and perspectives on responsible development and use of AI technology in medicine. The project will also develop an ethnographic film to inform patients and the public about these findings to stimulate debate and reflection. The outcomes of these investigations will form the basis for a theoretical and empirically informed framework for the responsible development and use of AI in image-based medicine.
The project is a collaboration between the University Medical Centre Utrecht (UMCU), Maastricht University (MU) and Radboud UMC.